Chlorinated Heavy Normal paraffin is a replacement of chlorinated paraffin wax. The method of manufacturing of both the products is the same and so is the end-use. Apart from above the best part of Chlorinated Heavy Normal
Please fill the form to download Chlorinated Heavy Normal Paraffin
Biscuits are popular throughout the country and people from all age
groups enjoy them. India is amongst the top five biscuit manufacturers in
the world.
Please fill the form to download Wafer Biscuit Manufacturing Plant
Groundnut oil production in India is financially a profitable venture with huge
export potential. In addition, you can initiate the groundnut oil processing
operation as small and medium scale basis.
Please fill the form to download Double Filtered Groundnut Other Oils
The four wheelers like cars, buses, LCVs and HCVs, jeeps, Tractors, Earthmovers
etc. require repairs of engine gear boxes, axles etc. for safety and durability of
these vehicles.
Please fill the form to download Four Wheel Automobile Repairing
The project is envisaged for establishing a machining unit for the
manufacture of simple fastening components such as screws, bolts, nuts, washers, car
clips, rivets and so on.
Please fill the form to download Light Engineering
Printed circuit board (PCB) is base of any electronics/electrical equipment. A PCB provides the connectivity to the electronic component such as resistor, capacitor, coils,
Please fill the form to download PCB and Mountings
The disposable plastic cups are manufactured by thermoforming technique.
They are fast replacing conventional cups. Drinking water, Ice-cream and
other dairy products are packed in disposable cups.
Please fill the form to download Disposal Plastic cups
Puffed Rice or Murmura is one of the very popular fast food of the Country. The
paddy is used after gelatinization of starch which will give a better puffing.
Please fill the form to download Murmura Manufacturing Unit
Desk Top Publishing (DTP) primarily pertains to designing of documents using personal computers, page–layout programs (such as
PageMaker) and laser printers.
Please fill the form to download Cyber Cafe and Back Office Services
Leisure and tourism sector is growing in the wake of increase in disposable
income, changes in lifestyle and impact of media (social media included). The
sector consists of several streams – physical feature tourism, cultural tourism,
Please fill the form to download Adventure Tourism Complex
Staple pins and Gem clips are most commonly used office stationery items. While
Safety pins are essentially the part of clothing and fashion accessory.
Please fill the form to download Pins-Staple Pins- Safety Pins
Compound cattle feed is an important constituent of ration, considering the fact
that dairy animals in India have limited access to cultivated green fodder and
grasses.The feed shall be free from harmful constituents, metallic pieces and
Please fill the form to download Cattle And Poultry Feed
Polyethylene water storage tanks are ideal for economic and hygienic storage
of potable water in residential buildings, industrial units, business complexes,
in fact anywhere and everywhere.
Please fill the form to download Plastic Water Storage Tank
Chloramphenicol is the specific drug for control and cure of typhoid and broad-spectrum bacterial diseases. Chloramphenicol finds extensive use through tablets and capsules while
Please fill the form to download Chloramphenicol Palmitate
Vachadi Ghrita [VG] is a medicated ghee (a clarified butter) Ayurvedic formulation, recommended to improve cognition. VG has many ingredients namely -Goghrita (Cow ghee), Vacha (Acorus calamus), etc.
Rosogolla is a very delicious Indian sweet preparation. It is a product made out from fresh cow’s milk and crystalised sugar. Besides being delicious, rosogolla is nutritious also.
A paper cup is a disposable made out of paper and after lined with plastic or wax prevent liquid from leakage out or soaking by paper. Paper cups are made from renewable resources.
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