Manufacture of Shirt (top) and Skirts is a new area in garment manufacture which has been developing very fast in our country in recent years, as there is good scope to set up this type of garment manufacturing
Please fill the form to download Shirt (top) and Skirts
There is significant interest in sport among urban population in India. The indoor sport is not space-intensive. It is possible to bring indoor sport within the convenient reach of sport enthusiasts.
Please fill the form to download Indoor Sport Complex
The packaging industry in India, which started on low ebb in the 1950’s, has
grown slowly and steadily in both quality and quantity. The 70’s and 80’s
witnessed a remarkable change in materials as well as machinery.
Please fill the form to download BOPP Self Adhesive Tape
Torque motors are designed to provide high starting torque and sloping characteristics (torque is highest at zero speed and decreases steadily with increasing speed), along with operating over a wide speed range.
The tourism in India is experiencing all round growth. It is not merely quantitative
growth but also qualitative. There is an upsurge in both domestic and foreign
The most popular method of serving ice- cream perhaps is in cones as it is neat & clean,
easy to store, and does not have any disposal problem. Various types of ice cream cones include wafer (or cake) cones, waffle cones, and sugar cones.
Please fill the form to download Ice-Cream Cone Making
Stationery includes a host of items like file cover, file board, letter pad, gem clip, alpin. With the increasing need to classify and preserve documents in proper form as well as transfer of papers
Please fill the form to download File Cover and File Board
Ties are considered as item of fashion. Ties has been finding exceptionally good acceptance among the sales representatives, doctors, CEO’s, Engineers, Hotel servants and others such as college and school students.
India is the second largest producer of rice in the world. The major portion of the
paddy is being processed through hullers. The hullers are usually low capacity
Compound cattle feed is an important constituent of ration, considering the fact
that dairy animals in India have limited access to cultivated green fodder and
grasses.The feed shall be free from harmful constituents, metallic pieces and
Please fill the form to download Cattle And Poultry Feed
Wrought iron is an iron alloy with a very low carbon – less than 0.08% content.
Wrought iron is tough, malleable, ductile, corrosion-resistant and easily welded.
Please fill the form to download Wrought Iron Furniture
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) is an important commercial crop grown for its aromatic rhizomes which is used both as a spice and a medicine. Ginger of commerce is the dried rhizome.
Please fill the form to download Bleached and Dehydrated Ginger
Gummed Paper Tapes afford security against pilferage and tamper as it cannot be peeled off. These types are easy to stick and give attractive look to the cartons and packages.
Please fill the form to download Gummed Paper Tape
The heritage hotels are an established feature of Indian hospitality landscape.
Palaces, forts, castles and havelis are converted into hotels whose ambience
and service standards are rooted in refined tradition.
Please fill the form to download Heritage Restaurant
These mountings are not only used in original equipment but also required for subsequent
replacements as well. It is a heartening fact that the automobile sector is expanding very rapidly not only in the existing capacities but also in the creation of new capacities.
Please fill the form to download Engine Mounting - Rubber Bonded
Plastic have played a vital role in the growth phase of the Indian economy
and continue to do so. From packaging to agriculture, automobiles and
electronics plastics have revolutionized all areas.
Please fill the form to download Blow Moulded Plastic Products
Instant and precooked Foods business is one of the fastest growing foods
businesses in India; driven by the market standing and consumer franchise of its
popular brands we have made this profile for small startup in a town.
Please fill the form to download Instant and Precooked Foods
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry(PHDCCI) is one of the Premier Chambers in India to have been accredited with Diamond Grade by NABET(QCI), at national and international level.